Blog Ramblings

Update, News and Shameless Promotion

I am trying to balance projects right now. I have some unrelated things that I have to get done. In addition to that I will be doing more research for the novel, Ryn’s turn. I sometimes feel like all I’m doing is research, but I want to give a sense of realism to the book. So the next thing that I am researching is dirigibles, airships, and other flying machines, along with military strategy (I’ve also ordered more Lego to do this)


I’ll be splitting duties between personal projects, Ryn’s Turn, and Who Would Destroy the Gods?


In May I’ll be focussing on getting a vague first draft completed of Ryn’s Turn. I’ll be working on other projects as well, but this will be my main focus. There will also be pictures as I depict contraptions and armies.

Next month I’ll be heading out to Calgary for the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, I’ll be at table K10 and peddling many wares including Railroad Rising! So if you want to, stop by and say hello!

2016 Calgary Expo Logo Full Colour No Dates

Railroad Rising: The Black Powder Rebellion is now available on all platforms for eBook! Join me from the 21st to the 25th as we celebrate this along with other authours from Edge Publications!



3d book display image of The Crystal Crown: A Chronicles of Avantir Short Story

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

To speak of Ardan the Grim is to speak of many things. One must tell of how he was the last in a line of men who had stood for far Tharid. A line descended from Ardan the Fair, who left Asbaln that there should be no quarrels with his brother, Randell of Avantir. Both of them being sons of the famous Guardian of the Sword of Avantir, Rorick. Wyrta the seer spoke to him in these words: "In the twentieth year, on spring's first day, seek a path to the West away. Go to the land of the Silver Hair, for thy fate does await thee there." Years after Rorick and Conel rode forth to free the land of Asbaln from the barbaric tribes, comes one man who will ride forth to save the kingdom and he will wear... The Crystal Crown.

Get Your Copy Today>>