
Nanowrimo – Day 1

So it’s that time of year again. Nanowrimo. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the event, during the month of November the challenge is to write 50,000 words within that month with the intent of having the first draft of a novel completed.

My reason for accepting the challenge is two-fold. One, I have no idea what my writing speed is, so I’d like to know how much I can write if I push myself. Two, I have a novel that I would like to get off to Edge Publications, the sequel to Railroad Rising to be precise. Each day I will give a quick update on my progress.

Wish me the best!

1 Comment

  1. lila1jpw

    You go, girl! I know my typing speed is so slow that I could never meet the challenge except by copy-and-paste cheating!

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