That Thing I Never Told You About
Hello! It’s me again!
You may be wondering, Beth, why haven’t you written in here for a month?
Well, friends, I have a confession.
I haven’t been writing in here lately because this month I’ve taken time away from everything else in order to write a first draft of a novel in a month. I was unsure of whether or not I’d be able to stick to my schedule so I didn’t want to say anything until I was finished my 30 day schedule. However, now that I am 2/3 of the way done, I feel comfortable in announcing that I am writing something.
Here’s the thing. I’ve never written a novel before. Not a full length novel anyway, most of my stories have either been short stories or comics. I’ll continue to post my progress as I go. Once the story is ready to go, I’ll be posting it on Wattpad and eliciting feedback so that I know what to work on and where my blindspots are.
Next Month I’ll be working on rewrites for this book and I’ll be reading over “Who Would Destroy the Gods”. I’ll be keeping everyone up to date on both of these projects.
For those of you who want more details on the first draft of my novel and what it’s all about, subscribe to my newsletter!
Best of luck with the writing, Beth!