Tag: Who Would Destroy the Gods
My Late April Update
Yes, I realise that it is almost the last day of May. But this is where I am at. There have been computer problems and comic conventions but now I am getting back to editing. I will try to update more regularly, at the very least there will be a June update and it […]
Quick Check in…
Gah! I made the rookie mistake of changing the formatting words from “_example_” to bolds and italics! I realised this over halfway through the manuscript. I’m hoping that I can use some sort of undo on them. #prayingtothedeitiesofscrivener _________________________ As you can tell, I’m continuing to edit the novel, “Who Would Destroy the Gods”. It’s […]
Late and Great Update
In January I was trying to get back into my work schedule after taking almost a month off in December. I was over-rested. I’ve got my production schedule set up for the year but I need to include this blog as part of all that. I would love to say that I am almost ready […]
Latest and Greatest!
My mom just found my Dad’s Cree Flashcards! (The package arrived last week) Which means that I can begin warbling Cree while I try to learn the language! Very slowly because I can’t dedicate myself as much as my dad did. With his flashcards, I feel like he is teaching me himself.
Beta Testing and Wattpad!
For those of you who aren’t subscribed to the newsletter (which is just plain crazy!) you are missing out on being able to get access to the beta release of the first few chapters of Who Would Destroy the Gods! Starting today there will be a weekly newsletter which includes a link to a special […]
July– No wait– August Update
Soooo I am still working on balance at the moment. Which means things aren’t as frequent as I would like. Blog posting being one of these things. Let me tell you about what I’ve been up to while I haven’t been posting here. I’ve finished up the first read through of Who Would Destroy the […]
Work in Progress
I am feeling like this as I work on editing “Who Would Destroy the Gods?” It’s always challenging when you are just starting out on a career path. In this case it’s a bit weird for me because I technically have material to work with that I could tease you with, but on the other […]
July Update (with many more to follow)
Tonight I had the chance to really get into the reviewing and editing process for Who Would Destroy the Gods? I’m very curious about how this story plays out given that the main character seems to be Wisakedjak (more commonly known as Whiskey Jack or Grey Jay) but this is a book with many pantheons […]
That Thing I Never Told You About
Hello! It’s me again! You may be wondering, Beth, why haven’t you written in here for a month? Well, friends, I have a confession. I haven’t been writing in here lately because this month I’ve taken time away from everything else in order to write a first draft of a novel in a month. I was […]