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That Occasional Introduction that You Need to Make

So, in the off chance that you are just meeting/landing on this site, let me explain a little bit about myself and what’s going on here.

So, my name is Beth Wagner, I am an editor, writer, comic creator and artist. This website is dedicated to my father and his writing, as well as talking about my journey as I publish the novels that he wasn’t able to in his lifetime.

I not only talk about his writing and announce my progress, I also talk about some of his interests as I remember that also interest me.

I am not him but I want to build the kind of community that he would have been able to build had he lived long enough to do so.

He currently has two novels which have been released to the ebook market. Railroad Rising is his first book and his newest release which is The Search for the Unicorns.

If you want sneakpeaks on what I’m doing then please subscribe to my newsletter!

3d book display image of The Crystal Crown: A Chronicles of Avantir Short Story

Looking for a Great Book to Read? Look No Further!

To speak of Ardan the Grim is to speak of many things. One must tell of how he was the last in a line of men who had stood for far Tharid. A line descended from Ardan the Fair, who left Asbaln that there should be no quarrels with his brother, Randell of Avantir. Both of them being sons of the famous Guardian of the Sword of Avantir, Rorick. Wyrta the seer spoke to him in these words: "In the twentieth year, on spring's first day, seek a path to the West away. Go to the land of the Silver Hair, for thy fate does await thee there." Years after Rorick and Conel rode forth to free the land of Asbaln from the barbaric tribes, comes one man who will ride forth to save the kingdom and he will wear... The Crystal Crown.

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