Work in Progress
I am feeling like this as I work on editing “Who Would Destroy the Gods?”
It’s always challenging when you are just starting out on a career path. In this case it’s a bit weird for me because I technically have material to work with that I could tease you with, but on the other hand, I haven’t even really read all of the material. Heck, I haven’t even scratched the surface yet.
Maybe that’s my problem right now. I need to figure out which way to jump first. I also need to know what I should tell the Internet about my Dad, after all, that’s what this website is for. But do I want to talk about what my father was interested in? I could do that. I certainly can’t talk about his works in progress, although, I can talk about what I’m editing and for those of you who have signed up to the newsletter, I’ll be sending out special sneak peaks of “Who Would Destroy the Gods?”
One of the other things that I will be working on over the next month will be button designs for Railroad Rising, which subscribers will also get to see first and give me their opinion.
Whew! Time for me to get back to editing! I’ll talk to you all again very soon!
This aside re whiskey-jack aka Old Man Crow aka Wily Coyote. CBC Ideas did a podcast about crows as Wise Guys [] and another podcast about coyotes []. Both episodes mix biology, ecology and First Nations mythology.