July– No wait– August Update
Soooo I am still working on balance at the moment. Which means things aren’t as frequent as I would like. Blog posting being one of these things. Let me tell you about what I’ve been up to while I haven’t been posting here.
I’ve finished up the first read through of Who Would Destroy the Gods? I’ve marked it up for the first round of edits which I will be working on in Late August early September.
I’m about half way my first read through and edit mark up of a story I’m working on in order to practise my own writing. (This will be available later through an undisclosed pen name) I bring it up because people will need to know that I am working on other projects as well as editing my father’s novels. I have another project that I was able to get ahead on in order to make more room for writing and will be starting another novel this month. (Again, this novel will also be a practise novel and will be released through a pen name)
Also, last week I travelled half way across the country and back again in the space of a long weekend by truck.
For those of you who have signed up to my newsletter (bless you!), I will have a very special surprise for you next month!
(Because I totally thought that I posted this, I’ll add on to the post)
P.S. Just a quick add-on! I’ll be in Calgary this weekend for a writer’s conference and to promote Railroad Rising!
Have fun in Calgary!