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July– No wait– August Update

Soooo I am still working on balance at the moment. Which means things aren’t as frequent as I would like. Blog posting being one of these things. Let me tell you about what I’ve been up to while I haven’t been posting here.

I’ve finished up the first read through of Who Would Destroy the Gods? I’ve marked it up for the first round of edits which I will be working on in Late August early September.

I’m about half way my first read through and edit mark up of a story I’m working on in order to practise my own writing. (This will be available later through an undisclosed pen name) I bring it up because people will need to know that I am working on other projects as well as editing my father’s novels. I have another project that I was able to get ahead on in order to make more room for writing and will be starting another novel this month. (Again, this novel will also be a practise novel and will be released through a pen name)

Also, last week I travelled half way across the country and back again in the space of a long weekend by truck.

For those of you who have signed up to my newsletter (bless you!), I will have a very special surprise for you next month!

(Because I totally thought that I posted this, I’ll add on to the post)

P.S. Just a quick add-on! I’ll be in Calgary this weekend for a writer’s conference and to promote Railroad Rising!

1 Comment

  1. lila1jpw

    Have fun in Calgary!

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To speak of Ardan the Grim is to speak of many things. One must tell of how he was the last in a line of men who had stood for far Tharid. A line descended from Ardan the Fair, who left Asbaln that there should be no quarrels with his brother, Randell of Avantir. Both of them being sons of the famous Guardian of the Sword of Avantir, Rorick. Wyrta the seer spoke to him in these words: "In the twentieth year, on spring's first day, seek a path to the West away. Go to the land of the Silver Hair, for thy fate does await thee there." Years after Rorick and Conel rode forth to free the land of Asbaln from the barbaric tribes, comes one man who will ride forth to save the kingdom and he will wear... The Crystal Crown.

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