A Post for May
Hello everyone! I’m posting again! Just to let everyone know I’m still alive and busy.
I got some illustration plates started for The Crystal Crown yesterday. I still have a bunch of illustration plates to draw before I am finished, then I’ll be on to the final round of edits for the book. I hope to have this book ready to go by the end of June.
For those of you who like book readings, I have been popping on to a live streaming service called Twitch and reading manuscripts and marking them up for editing. The first story is Talisman of the Winds, you can find rebroadcasts here. Or, you can find them on YouTube here.
I just finished doing the first round of edits for Talisman of the Winds. This was entirely due to me marking up the manuscript as I was reading the manuscript. As I read it out loud I was able to determine areas that needed to be changed and parts that need to be worked on. I’m now taking a couple of weeks to work on other projects and then I will be working on the final revisions after which, I’ll be looking for beta readers, if you are interested, let me know.
I’d be happy to be a beta readers.