Category: Uncategorised
Summer/June Update
Hey everyone! I’m back again and so are the recommendations from my editor. What did she say? I have a lot of work ahead of me. So for the foreseeable future, I will be toiling away to whip the manuscript for The Sword of Justice into shape so that it can be the best book […]
Welcome to The Curmudgeon!
With the new year I have decided to do a quick mission statement post to introduce (or reintroduce) people to this blog. Who am I? My name is Beth Wagner, I am a comic creator turned editor and publisher. My father, J.P. Wagner, was a writer. He was a published journalist and his first novel was […]
The Beginning of the Process – The Sword of Justice
I’ve just finished the first read through of the manuscript for the Sword of Justice. My first impressions? The concept is solid. A little reworking is necessary, but the general plot itself is solid. This means I can give it the go ahead to continue editing it, and after my faithful beta readers have had […]
That Occasional Introduction that You Need to Make
So, in the off chance that you are just meeting/landing on this site, let me explain a little bit about myself and what’s going on here. So, my name is Beth Wagner, I am an editor, writer, comic creator and artist. This website is dedicated to my father and his writing, as well as talking […]
Gearing Up
On August 1st, The Search for the Unicorns will be launching. It’s exciting, I’m not going to lie. This will be my first time self-publishing a literary novel. I will be focussing on the process of getting it out and distributed. I figured that I’d just do this little mini-update to let everyone know what’s […]
Way Past Overdue!
Eep! Has it really been three months since my last post here? For shame! I would like to apologize for that. I’ve had some personal issues going on and then a convention to attend. But now that I’m back from the convention and I’ve wrapped up my other projects, I will be turning my attention […]
My Very Late New Year Post
Holy cats! I haven’t posted here since November?! Yikes! Sorry about that everyone! You may now be asking what my plans are for the new year? The answer to that is lots and lots of editing! I’ll not only be updating my progress here but I will also be sharing interesting odds and ends with […]